Almost 50% of students with ADHD experience difficulties with reading.
A school-related chore? An unwanted job? Getting teens and young adults with ADHD to read is an unpleasant activity. Motivating them to read might be avoided with all costs, but it will pay off in the end.
Try creativity.
- Think of reading as a social activity. Try blogs that encourage interaction.
- Know your rights! Pleasure reading gives the right to read anything you want (i.e. cartoons, comics, fan fics, lower-level books).
- Empower by choosing the genre (i.e. fantasy, history, comedy).
- Watch the movie. They might like to book better.
- Organize a book club based on themes. Host a party, incorporating themes.
Motivating “our kids” to become pleasure readers can be a real battle. Having fun is key, nothing else. The rest will come in time.
I have a 6 yr son that was assesed in this month for adhd. Its a real challenge because he tend to throw tantrumss,behavioral issues and alot more. As a mother of three its difficult. I need advise
I’m sorry for the delay. I’m learning how to use WordPress, the blog app.
I have worked with children with ADHD, their parents as well. There are many challenges that go along with behavior, but it often is the initial focus. Research has shown that yoga, mindfulness, and meditation can help with impulsivity and aggression. Journaling too.
There are behavior strategies videos and posts on the blog. Take a look around. Sign up for the email list to receive my newsletter. Every issue has behavior strategies.
I look forward to chatting with you.