Category: Social skills

  • Young Adults with Autism Making Friends: Tips to Help Improve Relationships and Social Skills

    Young Adults with Autism Making Friends: Tips to Help Improve Relationships and Social Skills

    Making friends is easy for some, but a struggle for others. Especially young adults on the Autism Spectrum. If making and keeping friendships is difficult, you can be socially isolated. Having difficulties with social skills, building meaningful relationships is challenging. Check out these strategies to help at home, at work, and at play.

  • Why Should I Take my Medication?

    Why Should I Take my Medication?

    Many people living with Autism and ADHD require medication to function. Without it, they can’t regulate their behavior and emotions.

  • Autistic Adults Making Friends: How Can We Help?

    Autistic Adults Making Friends: How Can We Help?

      Adults with Autism (ASD) are notorious for having inappropriate social skills. More than 50% do not have friends at work. The first step is to learn what a “real friend” looks like. Chill out Cheer up People to have fun with Likes you for being you Stands up when others attack Causes People with…

  • ADHD and Social Skills: 10 Tips to Turn Things Around

    ADHD and Social Skills: 10 Tips to Turn Things Around

    Teens and adults with ADHD often struggle getting along with others.  This is true whether at school, home, or in the workplace.  While symptoms can but in, their reactions can be improved with specific strategies.

  • ADHD:  Empowerment for Us All

    ADHD: Empowerment for Us All

    People with ADHD have a lifelong condition.  Fortunately, symptoms change over time.  Weaknesses can transform into abilities beyond their wildest dreams. Attentiveness, impulsivity, and behavior are common symptoms of ADHD.  People with this disorder need to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of themselves.  They should be ready to combat false impressions from others. To…

  • How do I help my child with learning disabilities and ADHD make friends?

      ADHD + social skills = HOT MESS! Yelling, pulling hair, temper tantrums…ADHD kids are tough. Add to the mix an adult who is out of sorts. Equals bedlam. What happens to remedy the challenge? Set rules to live by. No one should be in charge all of the time. Take turns on what to…