Students with ADHD fight in class. Behavior sometimes changes as they age. Why work when there are accommodations? Lifelong learning in the 21st Century. That’s why. College isn’t just about getting a degree. It’s about the the ultimate welfare of students, especially those with disabilities. Taking the initiative to learn, students with ADHD strive…
ADHD = hyperactivity galore. Why do they shut down at a moment’s notice? Motivation changes everything. Motivation is something that gets students with ADHD going, keeps them working, and helps to complete tasks. It has been conceptualized including inner forces, enduring traits, behavioral responses to sets of beliefs and effects. Behavioral theories view motivation as…
ADHD + School + Music Make the World Go Round
What’s better? Music or computers? New research makes a case for Bach. Students with ADHD might be seen as the “savage beast,” calmed by music. It can be used in the classroom to enhance understanding and improve behavior. They become risk-takers and sing as a group. Back to my English-teaching days… Yeah, a math teacher…
Innovative Teaching Makes Happy Folks with ADHD
ADHD students. Reading/listening. Failure? Try creativity, collaboration, INNOVATION! Innovation is any teaching strategy, approach, technique, or tool that is used in a new way. It produces quantifiable gains for outcomes or student experiences. It proactively integrates creativity into the classroom. The first day of Algebra 1. The same old thing. “What do we need to…
Students with ADHD Rock it with Learning Styles
Liberation! Study “your way.” Students with ADHD improve low self-esteem too. An individual’s learning style refers to the preferential way in which a student absorbs, processes, comprehends, and retains information. Students with ADHD utilize different styles and techniques. They tend to have a dominant style of learning and far less with others. Visual: Images,…
Sports and ADHD: The Perfect Medication
Cutting-edge psychiatrists have begun recommending sports to support the side effects of ADHD. Try at least 40 minutes of activity per day. Factors to consider are medication, overall health, and scheduling. Choosing the right sport greatly impacts the factors of success. ADHD challenges structure, order, and distractability. For the most, teens’ most formidable opponents on…
The ADHD High-Stakes Disaster
High-stakes testing can be a quick path to failure. They’re sometimes used to determine academic punishments. This includes penalties, sanctions, and rankings, with a clear line drawn between those who pass and those who fail. Communicate with teachers early. Establish strategies for everyone. Learn the vocabulary. Standardized test vs. achievement test. Contact guidance counselors. Discuss…
ADHD Read-to Accommodation: So what?
The number of children ages 3-21 receiving special education services is 6.4 million. That represents 13% of all public school students. Accommodations provide supports and services to help students with disabilities access general education curriculum. Extended Time Taking tests Finishing assignments Learning new concepts Setting Reduced distractions Close to the board Close to the teacher…
People with ADHD with Dyslexia too? Yes!
50 – 60% of people with ADHD also have a learning disability (LD). 8 – 17% have Dyslexia. These challenges further aggrevate the learning for students with ADHD. Encourage that it is not a sign of laziness. Affects the way they processes written and spoken language. Reinforces that understanding complex ideas is unaffected. Increase low…
ADHD earns $4,500 less!
College graduates with ADHD earn $4,500 less than their counterparts. They are more likely to be fired. Additionally, they change jobs more frequently based on their challenging work habits. Set multiple alarms to avoid being late. Use task lists to avoid being bogged down for simple tasks. Organize desk area to deter mountains of paperwork on…