Traveling on the Wayback Machine… Ahhh…A new school year full of opportunuties. As you can probably guess, it’s my first year teaching. Smart in math. What more do I need to know? 1 hour later, I found out the answer…Take me back to my old law firm! Everyone sits quietly and does their work….
What should you do when there’s bad behavior? Ask Edie, The Dog Whisperer (in training)
Professionals know everything. Why do we think that we get better advice if we pay a lot? DUH…She says that big dogs need big rewards. So what is it? Chicken. Day 1. My little princess Odie walks by my side. Casper pulls to the right. Chicken. “Good boy.” Day 2. My princess is right by me,…
Math Anxiety. What does it look like for teens and young adults with learning disabilities and ADHD?
Math anxiety is often defined as feelings of apprehension and fear that interferes with performance. Evaluation is considered when examining the student’s limited math scores on achievement tests. This process can be incredibly stressful for some students, leading them to feel constantly overwhelmed and under pressure, which could result in them performing badly when in…
Reading in science? Strategies for teens and young adults with learning disabilities and ADHD.
Reading is a complex act that integrates the visualization of graphic symbols. The key is reading in the sciences is whether a student can understand the meaning of the words in context. Older students typically read literature or fictional stories, while adults spend the majority of their reading nonfictional materials and expository writing. The goal…
Homework!!! Avoid arguments, frustration, and battles with these LD/ADHD strategies.
Schedule homework at a specific time and place. Encourage the use of written assignment books. Make a plan of attack. Start with easier/shorter tasks then proceed to more difficult ones. Determine whether the assignment is for completion or a grade. Offer help. Don’t force it.
ADHD teen with dyslexia graduates with best grades in the family.
Another day in the wonderful life of EdieLovesMath… James is one of my reading students with ADHD. He was diagnosed as having dyslexia when he was a small child. He didn’t even know that it was a learning disability in reading. What he did know was that his parents took him out of “regular” school and…
Common Core Reading for HS students? Yes, indeed.
The English Language Arts standard has 2 components: Literature and Informational Texts. They work in tandem, defining college and career readiness expectations. Guidelines are integrated by grade levels (9/10, 11/12). Informational Texts Cite strong and thorough evidence to support analysis of what the text explicitly says. Determine the meaning of words and phrases using context…
Common Core Math: What is it? Why should we care?
The Common Core initiative was directed toward public K-12 students in the US. In spite of public opinion, it was sponsored by the National Govenors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The objective was to identify what students should know at the end of each grade level. It’s further designed…
ADHD: Finding Academic Success by Overcoming Challenges
One of the most serious challenges faced by teens and young adults is regarding educational outcomes. High School Experience significantly higher retention rate (42%). More are suspended (60%). Highest drop-out rate (32%). College Fewer enter college (22%). Lower GPA (1.7). Lower graduation rate (5%). These intervention strategies remediate situations. Find a “good fit” for teachers/professors….
ADHD: Marked differences for teens and young adults (compared to childhood). National Institute of Mental Health (NIH)
Symptoms of ADHD associated with childhood continue into the teens and later years. While hyperactivity is often a landmark of elementary grades, inattentive symptoms are more associated with adolescents. It is more difficult to diagnose as they are not necessarily disruptive. More challenging period as academic demands mount. Restlessness may result in juggling multiple tasks….