Tag: special education

  • Does Paper Color Affect Reading for Dyslexics?

    Does Paper Color Affect Reading for Dyslexics?

    Color and Readability (Dyslexia) Research…is there a way to improve reading skills for teens? Imagine college professors going at it nose-to-nose. Is that the only way to find an answer?  Maybe. Some professors are from America. The others are British. Here’s how it plays out.  US yelling, “Black and white has the greatest contrast!” Swish…”It…

  • ADHD – Autism: Warning Signs for Learning Disabilities

    ADHD – Autism: Warning Signs for Learning Disabilities

     Learning disabilities. Do you know what they are? Probably. Did you know that 50% of Autistic people have a learning disability? How about 50% of children and adolescents with ADHD have at least one learning disability. Let’s learn about it. Defining learning disabilities is a challenge. It depends on who’s asking. There are several types…

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Mainstreaming

    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Mainstreaming

    Where will your teen with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) be placed? Possibly mainstreamed. Teens on the Autistic Spectrum can receive instruction in several learning environments, The process is outlined in IEP guidelines. The major factor in determining where your child will be taught is “least restrictive environment” (LRE). General education with support General education without…

  • Academic Tracking and ADHD.  Should We Get Rid of  It?

    Academic Tracking and ADHD.  Should We Get Rid of It?

      Should students be placed in classes based on similar abilities?  Low-level math? On-grade-level biology? What are the odds that same student can be in AP Physics?  Now try it again, only add students with ADHD. Not likely, but it does happen. Here’s how. Students with ADHD have a smaller chance of being successful in…

  • Inclusion:  21st Century Learning for Kids with Disabilities

    Inclusion: 21st Century Learning for Kids with Disabilities

    More students with ADHD are entering inclusive classrooms with their non-disabled peers.  Is instruction better?  Are they learning more to prepare them for the real world?  Here are tips to improve outcomes.

  • IEP Roadblocks?  10 Tips to Reach Your Goals

    IEP Roadblocks?  10 Tips to Reach Your Goals

      Doing poorly academically?  Behavior problems?  In danger of failing socially?  Your child with ADHD may qualify for an IEP (Individualized Education Program). Federal laws provide for services for students with disabilities in public schools.  Students with ADHD can be eligible under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA).…

  • Discussions for ADHD Parents?  Here’s How.

    Discussions for ADHD Parents? Here’s How.

    ADHD kids!  Behavior veers out of control.  Academic performance:  Confusion galore.  Nonstop noise.  Open communication is the way to find solutions. Students with ADHD struggle in the classroom.  So do their teachers.  Parents can facilitate understanding, effectively managing symptoms. Communication is important when helping students with ADHD.  Teacher interaction benefits performance through thoughtful discussions. Teachers…

  • 504 Plans in High School in College

    504 Plans in High School in College

    Section 504 provides a blueprint for how students with disabilities accesses learning.  It is part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  This federal civil rights law seeks to stop discrimination.  It mandates equal access and opportunity.  It is the most common educational support for students with ADHD. In elementary and secondary education, schools are required…

  • ADHD Diagnosis:  It’s Harder Than You Think

    ADHD Diagnosis:  It’s Harder Than You Think

    Running around with unlimited energy? He has ADHD. Staring into space? She has ADHD. Looking isn’t enough. There’s a science too. Say what? Check it out. There is no single physical, mental, or genetic test for ADHD. A diagnostic evaluation can be provided by a qualified mental health professional or physician. Having a supportive team…

  • Gifted/Talented and ADHD:  The Dynamic Duo

    Gifted/Talented and ADHD:  The Dynamic Duo

    “Our kids” with ADHD are special gifts.  It might be more…they may be gifted.  How can you tell? Being gifted can be somewhat unclear, especially for students with ADHD.  Confusing and contradictory information can be misconstrued.  Delayed diagnosis further complicates the situation. The term “gifted and talented” is used when students give evidence of high…