Do you have a college student on the Autistic Spectrum? Want answers to your problems? Give your kid some responsibility. Autism (ASD) is more prevalent in the United States than 10 years ago. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) determined that 1 in 54 children are diagnosed each year. 31% of people with Autism have…
Tag: transition IEP
15 Tips to Help Teens with ADHD Transition to College
Leaving high school. Got into college. Ready to step out into the real world. Guess what? Just 5% of college students with ADHD graduate. There are ways to turn things around. College students with ADHD make up between 2% to 8% of the student body. Unfortunately, they are less likely to feel confident in…
How to Find College Success for People with ADHD
People with ADHD are less likely than others to attend college. Lower graduation rates are often attributed to greater psychological difficulties. Fortunately, trends show an increasing college population of students with ADHD, growing to approximately 2% to 8%. Another 20% of non-labeled students are approaching its diagnostic criteria. Compared to peers, people with ADHD face…