Category: Work / Career

  • How Does Asperger’s Syndrome Affect Teen Grades in High School?

    How Does Asperger’s Syndrome Affect Teen Grades in High School?

    Teens and young adults with Asperger’s Syndrome often struggle in school. These research based strategies are winners. For both home and school.

  • Autism and Multiple Intelligences: The Path to Work Success

    Autism and Multiple Intelligences: The Path to Work Success

    Young adults with Autism often struggle at work. Gardner’s Multiplte Intelligences can lead to personal, educational, amd professional success. It’s like learning styles times 10!

  • Why Should Autistic People Work

    Why Should Autistic People Work

  • Autism and ADHD: Adult Education

    Autism and ADHD: Adult Education

        ADHD and Autism in the workplace? It’s a real challenge. It is, more often than not. Get it together! Education is key. Positive groups reduce help as isolation is a tough way to start. What could be better? Professional education offers non-traditional instruction. Think about that…Just what adults with ADHD and Autism need.…

  • ADHD and Soft Skills Mean Workplace Success

    ADHD and Soft Skills Mean Workplace Success

      Soft skills and folks with ADHD.  Are they famous for people skills?  Most likely not. Soft skills are personal attributes related to human interaction.  Employers contend that soft skills are just as important as hard skills.  These qualities exist across a variety of jobs and life situations. People with effective soft skills work effectively…

  • ADHD earns $4,500 less!

    College graduates with ADHD earn $4,500 less than their counterparts.  They are more likely to be fired.  Additionally, they change jobs more frequently based on their challenging work habits. Set multiple alarms to avoid being late. Use task lists to avoid being bogged down for simple tasks. Organize desk area to deter mountains of paperwork on…