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Category: Reading
6 Tips to Transform Teens with ADHD into Pleasure Readers
Teens with ADHD need reading skills beyond those developed for children. Their high school and college priorities are decoding, comprehension, and analysis. What about reading for the joy of it? This story is about creating a teen with ADHD who loves to read for enjoyment. Here are six tips on how to use librarians as allies in the struggle.
How to Teach Low-Functioning Teens With Autism: Reading Comprehension
Low-functioning teens with Autism often struggle with reading. These research based teaching strategies help “our kids” to reach their fullest potential.
Does Paper Color Affect Reading for Dyslexics?
Color and Readability (Dyslexia) Research…is there a way to improve reading skills for teens? Imagine college professors going at it nose-to-nose. Is that the only way to find an answer? Maybe. Some professors are from America. The others are British. Here’s how it plays out. US yelling, “Black and white has the greatest contrast!” Swish…”It…
Reading and Science for ADHD and Autism. It’s a Mess!
ADHD and Autism: Reading and science. Important part of many professions. It’s not enough to read aloud. It`s important to understand upper-level books. Classroom strategies help students to gain knowledge. Science teachers often hold the responsibility for much of teaching reading in high school. Are they prepared? Not alone. What’s the problem? Reading is extremely…
“Just sound it out.” “Say what?” Reading 101 is for babies.
Reading is for teens and young adults with ADHD and Autism (ASD). Now it inclues special education, learning disabilities, and content-area reading. Decoding is the letter-sound relation used to pronounce written words. It’s contention regarding decoding interventions. Some focus on translating print into speech by rapidly matching letters. Others find the key in the combination…
10 Tips to Stop Summer Learning Loss
The time has come around again. Summertime. Recent analysis shows that most teens with ADHD and Autism (ASD) lose 2 to 3 months of academic skills. Fortunately here are strategies to prevent losses. There are also specific ones based on the disability as well. Here we go! The brain is a muscle. You must exercise…
ADHD and Autism: Science and Reading
ADHD and Autism: Reading and science. Important part of many professions. It’s not enough to read aloud. It`s important to understand upper-level books. Classroom strategies help students to gain knowledge. Science teachers often hold the responsibility for much of teaching reading in high school. Are they prepared? Not alone. What’s the problem? Reading is extremely…
10 Tips to Make Our Teens With ADHD and Autism (ASD) Pleasure Readers
Get our kids reading for fun? Are we kidding ourselves? Creating pleasure readers is a challenging task. Don’t worry. Libraries are here to help. Yes, digital technology is with many of us, even now. Teens and young adults with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often struggle with reading. They may not have learning disabilities….
15 Tips to Overcome Summer Slide for Students with ADHD
Yea! School’s out. So what can we expect? A lost of more that 2 months of grade-level equivalence. It’s the summer slide. What can we do about it for our students with ADHD? During the summer months, students with ADHD tread water, at best, but are more likely to fall behind. This loss of…