5 Strategies to Help Students with Autism and Dyscalculia Thrive in Pre-Algebra Using Manipulatives

Learning math can be challenging, especially for students with Autism and dyscalculia (math learning disability). Learning basic math facts—like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division—is essential for success in pre-algebra. Still, these foundational skills can be challenging for students with these learning differences. However, with the right strategies and tools, teachers and parents can support their teens in mastering these skills and building the confidence they need to excel. Check it out!

Challenges Faced by Students with Autism and Dyscalculia

Students with Autism and dyscalculia face unique challenges in learning and processing math, particularly when mastering math facts. Understanding these challenges is crucial for providing adequate support.


  • Cognitive Flexibility: Many students with Autism struggle with cognitive flexibility, which makes it difficult for them to adapt to new concepts or approaches in math.
  • Abstract Thinking: Math often requires abstract thinking, which can be challenging for autistic students who may prefer concrete, literal concepts.
  • Communication Barriers: Difficulty expressing questions or confusion can lead to gaps in understanding, particularly in larger, inclusive classrooms.
  • Sensory Overload: Sensory sensitivities may overwhelm traditional classroom settings, affecting focus and engagement with math lessons.


  • Numerical Processing: Dyscalculia directly impacts the ability to process numbers and understand mathematical relationships, leading to confusion with basic math facts.
  • Memory Difficulties: Students with dyscalculia often struggle with short-term and working memory, making it hard to remember and recall math facts.
  • Sequencing Challenges: Difficulty in understanding and following numerical sequences can hinder the learning of math operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Slow Processing Speed: Slower processing speeds make it challenging to keep up with math lessons, leading to frustration and decreased confidence.

Combined Challenges:

  • Difficulty Generalizing Skills: Students with Autism and dyscalculia may struggle to apply learned math facts to new problems or contexts, leading to inconsistent performance.
  • Increased Anxiety: The combined effects often lead to heightened anxiety, further complicating learning and participation in math-related activities.

Supporting “our kids” requires patience, personalized teaching strategies, and tools that cater to their unique needs. Use every opportunity to form bonds that encourage the love of mathematics.

The Benefits of Using Manipulatives

What Are Manipulatives and Why Are They Effective? Manipulatives are hands-on tools that help students understand mathematical concepts by making abstract ideas tangible. Examples include physical objects like base-ten blocks, fraction tiles, counters, and digital tools that simulate these items.

How Manipulatives Support Learning Manipulatives are effective because they engage multiple senses, helping students visualize and physically interact with math concepts. This multisensory approach reinforces learning by linking abstract ideas to concrete experiences.

Benefits for Students with Autism and Dyscalculia For students with Autism and dyscalculia, manipulatives are particularly beneficial. They reduce cognitive load by breaking down complex problems into manageable steps. Additionally, manipulatives provide visual-spatial support, making it easier for these students to grasp challenging concepts, leading to improved comprehension and confidence in math.

Research and Evidence Supporting the Use of Manipulatives

The Power of Manipulatives

Studies have shown that manipulatives can significantly improve math fact fluency (INTL, 2022). These concrete objects, such as blocks, counters, or number lines, provide students a tangible way to understand abstract mathematical concepts.

Students can visualize and explore mathematical relationships by manipulating these objects, leading to a deeper understanding of basic arithmetic operations.  

Additionally, manipulatives can help bridge the gap between concrete and abstract thinking, making it easier for students to transition from using objects to mental math strategies.

The Benefits of Manipulatives for Students with Autism and Dyscalculia

Manipulatives, tangible objects representing abstract mathematical concepts, are practical tools for improving math fact fluency in students with autism and dyscalculia. For students with Autism who struggle with abstract thinking and social communication, manipulatives can provide a concrete anchor for understanding mathematical concepts.

Research has shown that the use of manipulatives can enhance the learning experience for students with Autism by:

  • Visualizing abstract concepts: Manipulatives allow students to see and touch mathematical ideas, making them more accessible and understandable.
  • Improving focus and attention: The tactile nature of manipulatives can help students stay focused and engaged during math lessons.
  • Facilitating social interaction: Manipulatives can provide opportunities for students with Autism to interact with peers and engage in collaborative problem-solving activities.

Students with dyscalculia, a specific learning disability that affects math skills, may also benefit from using manipulatives. Research has indicated that manipulatives can help these students:

  • Develop a better understanding of number relationships: Manipulatives can aid in developing number sense by physically representing numbers and operations.
  • Improve problem-solving skills: Manipulatives can give students a concrete way to visualize and solve math problems.
  • Increase confidence in math: Students’ success with manipulatives can boost their self-esteem and motivation to learn math.

5 Strategies for Using Manipulatives to Improve Math Fact Fluency

Strategy 1: Starting with Concrete Representations

One practical approach to teaching basic operations is to begin with concrete representations. Students can visualize and manipulate mathematical concepts by using physical objects like counters, blocks, and beads, making them more accessible and understandable.

Lesson Plans and Activities:

  • Addition: Have students use counters to represent each addend. Combine the counters to find the sum. Gradually transition to using number lines or drawings to represent the addition process.
  • Subtraction: Use blocks to represent the minuend and remove blocks to represent the subtrahend. Count the remaining blocks to find the difference. Introduce the concept of “take away” and “how many are left?”
  • Multiplication: Use beads to represent the factors. Group the beads into equal sets to find the product. Explain the concept of repeated addition.
  • Division: Use counters to represent the dividend and divide them into equal groups based on the divisor. Count the number of groups to find the quotient. Introduce the concept of sharing equally.

Adapting for Different Learning Styles and Needs:

  • Visual learners: Use colorful manipulatives and visual aids like diagrams or charts.
  • Kinesthetic learners: Encourage hands-on activities and allow students to manipulate objects freely.
  • Auditory learners: Provide verbal explanations and use rhymes or songs to reinforce concepts.
  • Students with special needs: Consider using more extensive, tactile manipulatives or providing additional support, such as one-on-one instruction or assistive technology.

Strategy 2: Using Number Lines for Visual Support

Number lines are versatile tools that can be used to teach all four basic operations. By visually representing numbers and their relationships, number lines can help students understand the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division concretely.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Create a number line: Draw a straight line and label it with numbers. Adjust the scale based on the specific operation or range of numbers being taught.
  • Addition: Start at the first addend on the number line and move the number of units to the right equal to the second addend. The ending point represents the sum.
  • Subtraction: Start at the minuend on the number line and move to the left the number of units equal to the subtrahend. The ending point represents the difference.
  • Multiplication: Use repeated addition. Start at zero and move the number of units equal to the first factor to the right. Repeat this process for the second factor. The ending point represents the product.
  • Division: Use repeated subtraction. Start at the dividend and move to the left in equal jumps until you reach zero. The number of jumps represents the quotient.

Tips for Integration:

  • Combine with manipulatives: Use number lines with physical objects like counters or blocks to provide a more concrete understanding.
  • Incorporate into daily routines: Use number lines for counting, telling time, or measuring.
  • Encourage student-created number lines: Have students create their number lines to personalize the learning experience.
  • Use different types of number lines: Experiment with horizontal, vertical, or circular number lines to accommodate different learning styles.


Strategy 3: Incorporating Pattern Blocks for Multiplication and Division

Pattern blocks are colorful shapes that teach multiplication and division concepts through visual patterns. Students can develop a deeper understanding of these operations by grouping, arranging, and counting the blocks.

Activities and Examples:

  • Grouping: Have students create groups of the same shape. Count the number of groups and the number of blocks in each group to represent multiplication. For example, a group of three squares represents 3 x 1.
  • Arrays: Arrange the blocks into rectangular arrays. Count the number of rows and columns to represent multiplication. For instance, a 2×3 array represents 2 x 3.
  • Area: Use the blocks to create different shapes and measure their areas. Relate the area to multiplication by counting the number of squares that make up the shape.

Introducing Factors and Multiples:

  • Factors: Have students find different ways to arrange several blocks into rectangular arrays. The dimensions of the arrays represent the factors of the number. For example, a group of 12 blocks can be placed into a 2×6 array or a 3×4 array, showing that 2 and 6 and 3 and 4 are factors of 12.
  • Multiples: Use pattern blocks to create multiples of a given number. For instance, to find multiples of 3, have students make groups of 3 blocks, six blocks, nine blocks, and so on. The resulting numbers (3, 6, 9, …) are multiples of 3.


Strategy 4: Applying Cuisenaire Rods for Multi-Step Problems

Cuisenaire rods are colorful, proportional rods that can be used to teach a wide range of mathematical concepts. Their versatility makes them an excellent tool for solving multi-step problems and developing problem-solving skills.

Examples of Use:

  • Addition and subtraction: Represent numbers with the rods and combine or subtract them to find the sum or difference. Use the rods to model regrouping and borrowing.
  • Fractions: Represent fractions as parts of a whole rod. Compare and order fractions, add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators, and find equivalent fractions.
  • Early algebra: Use the rods to model equations and solve for unknowns. Represent variables with different colored rods and manipulate the rods to balance equations.

Differentiation with Cuisenaire Rods:

  • Advanced students: Introduce more complex problems involving decimals, ratios, or exponents. Encourage students to create their word problems using the rods.
  • Struggling students: Provide additional support by using color-coded workmats or offering one-on-one instruction. Start with more straightforward problems and gradually increase the difficulty level.
  • Visual learners: Use the rods to create visual representations of mathematical concepts.
  • Kinesthetic learners: Encourage hands-on exploration and allow students to manipulate the rods freely.


Strategy 5: Making It Interactive with Digital Manipulatives

Digital manipulatives are interactive tools that simulate physical manipulatives on a computer or tablet. They offer various benefits, including increased engagement, immediate feedback, and accessibility.

Examples of Digital Manipulatives:

  • Virtual blocks and counters: These tools allow students to manipulate objects on a screen, providing a tactile experience without needing physical materials.
  • Number lines: Interactive number lines can visualize numbers, operations, and patterns.
  • Fraction circles: These tools help students understand fractions and equivalent fractions by visually representing parts of a whole.
  • Geoboards: Digital geoboards allow students to create shapes and explore geometric concepts.

Benefits of Digital Manipulatives:

  • Increased engagement: The interactive nature of digital manipulatives can make learning more fun and engaging for students.
  • Immediate feedback: Digital tools can provide instant feedback on students’ responses, helping them learn from their mistakes and reinforce correct answers.
  • Accessibility: Digital manipulatives can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making them a valuable tool for students with disabilities or those who may not have access to physical manipulatives.

Selecting and Integrating Digital Tools:

  • Consider student needs: Choose tools appropriate for your student’s age, grade level, and learning styles.
  • Align with curriculum: Ensure that the digital manipulatives support the learning objectives of your math curriculum.
  • Provide adequate training: Offer students and teachers training on how to use the digital tools effectively.
  • Integrate into lessons: Incorporate digital manipulatives to enhance learning and provide additional practice opportunities.

Bridging the Gap to Pre-Algebra

A strong foundation in math facts is crucial for pre-algebra success. Students who quickly recall basic operations find it easier to grasp more complex concepts. To build confidence, gradually reduce reliance on manipulatives. Start by introducing visual aids that bridge concrete tools and abstract thinking. As students become more comfortable, they phase out manipulatives and encourage mental math.

To help students connect basic operations with pre-algebra, emphasize how addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are the building blocks of algebraic thinking. Use real-world examples to illustrate how these operations form the basis for solving equations and understanding variables.

Once data is collected, it should be used to inform instruction. Analyze the results to identify patterns and trends. For example, if a student struggles with multiplication, you may need to revisit foundational concepts or provide targeted practice. Similarly, differentiating instruction can address these discrepancies if a student excels in one area but falters in another. Use the data to:

  • Tailor instruction: Adapt lessons to meet individual needs, whether reinforcing basics or introducing more complex problems.
  • Group students: Create small groups based on similar needs to provide focused instruction and peer support.
  • Adjust pacing: If most students grasp a concept quickly, move on; if not, slow down to ensure comprehension.
  • Incorporate varied strategies: Use data to determine the most effective teaching methods and adjust as needed.

Collaborating with Parents and Teachers

Regularly revisiting and analyzing this data allows for adjustments supporting continuous student development. By closely monitoring progress and adapting strategies, you can help each student build a solid foundation for success in pre-algebra.

To enhance communication:

  • Establish regular check-ins: Schedule meetings, phone calls, chats, or emails to maintain an ongoing dialogue about the student’s progress and any concerns. 
  • Share information promptly: Address changes in behavior, academic struggles, or successes quickly and clearly to prevent issues from escalating.
  • Set clear, achievable goals: Collaborate on specific, measurable goals tailored to the student’s needs.
  • Create a consistent support system: Align strategies at home and school to reinforce learning and behavior patterns.

When teachers and parents work together, they provide the stability and encouragement students need to thrive academically and emotionally.

Final Thoughts

Teachers and parents play a vital role in supporting students with Autism and dyscalculia on their math journey. By incorporating manipulatives into daily practice, you can provide the concrete experiences these students need to develop confidence and proficiency in math. With patience, persistence, and the right tools, success in pre-algebra is within reach for every student.

Call to Action

Try these strategies in school and at home. Check out my Amazon Storefront for my favorite math manipulatives. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases. https://amzn.to/3XgPp7I 

Join me in the EdieLovesMath Community forum in September 2024 to share experiences, ask questions, and seek additional support. 

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