Teenager-teacher conflict

Behavior contracts are a popular tool for creating structured and positive learning environments, especially for students with ADHD and Autism. These agreements outline expected behaviors, rewards, and sometimes consequences. In this blog post, I’ll present the essentials and key components of behavior contracts that make them effective for “our kids.”

teen overwhelmed with homework

Assigning adequate and appropriate homework is challenging for teachers and students alike. At its best, homework provides preparatory reading and furthers understanding. Unfortunately, it can also be a meaningless activity designed to keep students busy. Here are 10 strategies to help make the process smoother for “our kids” with ADHD and Autism.

teen screaming at open books

Teens with ADHD need reading skills beyond those developed for children. Their high school and college priorities are decoding, comprehension, and analysis. What about reading for the joy of it? This story is about creating a teen with ADHD who loves to read for enjoyment. Here are six tips on how to use librarians as allies in the struggle.

ADHD teen worn out

On October 12, 2022, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a shortage of the ADHD drug Adderall. As of June 2023, there have been some signs of waning as they are assisting with anything they can do to increase supply. Here are tips to help survive in the interim.