Bipolar Disorder?  ADHD?  It Might be Both.

Speed goes up. Emotions go down. Up, up, up. Down, down, down. Bipolar disorder and ADHD look a lot alike. You need strategies to tell them apart. Here’s how.

Bipolar disorder moves from feelings of euphoria down to depression. You can find out more tips here to reduce those horrible feelings, some of which involve the use of CBD oil to help combat changes in mood. There have been some advancements made in the way of CBD’s introduction to the body, most recently being shown to be particularly effective in a water-soluble form, like this powder from Caliper CBD. The comparisons to oil suggest that a higher percentage of the CBD is absorbed this way. CBD is a cannabinoid of the marijuana plant. Some people may prefer to smoke the plant to improve their mood instead of just consuming CBD. If this is the decision that you make as an individual, always do your research, and look into any equipment you may need, like dab rigs for marijuana. The challenge with bipolar disorder is that it’s also characterized by impulsivity, physical over-activity, and mood reactivity. These also mirror the symptoms of ADHD.

Being able to tell the differences between bipolar disorder and ADHD is confusing. What happens when they look the same? Almost 60% of children with ADHD have been found to have an affective illness. Research studies show that more than 70% of the people with bipolar disorder also have ADHD. It is important to receive the right diagnosis to treat the conditions efficiently, the same as it would be with adults looking to sites like buy my weed online to treat these conditions.

  • Depressive Episodes (One side of bipolar disorder)
      • Persistent, sad, or irritable mood.
      • Loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities.
      • Significant changes in appetite, body weight, sleep patterns.
      • Low energy and concentration.
      • Feelings of worthlessness and recurrent thoughts of death and suicide.
  • Manic Episodes (The other side of bipolar disorder)
    • Severe changes in mood.
    • Inflated self-esteem and grandiosity.
    • Increased, revved-up energy.
    • Impulsive or self-destructive behaviors.
    • Psychosis (detached from reality).

Bipolar disorder and ADHD are a bad combination that cannot be overestimated. In fact, it is often debilitating and tormenting in nature.

The challenge in diagnosing a person with ADHD who is bipolar as well is creating an appropriate perspective. The team should include a psychiatrist, psychologist, teachers, and parents. All should remember that while ADHD affects attention and behavior, bipolar disorder is primarily impacts mood.

One consideration is whether a person has both bipolar and ADHD is determining if depression is present. This is especially challenging as depression is less common in younger cases. Extra care must be taken as there is rapid cycling between pleasure-seeking, anger, and relative calm.

  • Age of Onset
      • ADHD: Symptoms apparent at 12
      • BD: First episode 18 (26 mean)
  • Consistency of Impairment
      • ADHD: Persistent
      • BD: Cycling episodes
  • Mood Triggers
      • ADHD: Strong emotional reactions
      • BD: No seeming connection with events
  • Rapidity of Mood Shift
      • ADHD: Sudden onset, instantaneous
      • BD: Hours, days
  • Family History
    • Common throughout family tree
    • Fewer genetic connection

Research shows that there is more effective if bipolar disorder is treated first. Mood stabilizers may not resolve ADHD symptoms. If ADHD symptoms continue, it is recommended to titrate ADHD meds. However, little information exists on combining stimulants with mood stabilizers or antipsychotics. Stimulants may be acceptable if bipolar symptoms respond well to mood-stabilizing agents. This use requires ongoing monitoring.

Discussion continues on the efficacy of a combination of medications for comorbid bipolar disorder/ADHD. However, the great majority of people with ADHD and depression respond with treatment. Their treatment path will be determined by what works the most effectively for them. In some cases, it could be speaking with a therapist, taking prescribed medication from a doctor, or even trying some natural hemp cbd products that have been known to make a difference to some of these symptoms. When it comes to treatment, it is important that you find one that helps you the best.

Some forms of counseling or psychotherapy can also be effective. Therapy benefits through a combination of individual and family treatments.

  • Recognize pleasure-seeking risks.
  • Monitor consequences of non-compliance.
  • Alter incentives based on circumstances.
  • Lead to more balanced behavior.
  • Create systems in meeting personal and academic needs.

Bipolar disorder and ADHD share symptoms. ADHD is more common, leaving bipolar disorder to be missed or misdiagnosed. Physicians should avoid assessing in isolation. Parents using observational checklists can better become involved in the process.

What characteristics of bipolar disorder have you seen (self, child)?





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