ADHD: Bad Social Skills? Kill ’em with Random Acts of Kindness.

Crash!  Bam!  Scream!  What’s going on?  It’s just another round of ADHD.  Trade those tantrums into words of kindness.  Actions too.  They speak louder than words.

Kindness is a virtue from which others flow, ultimately leading to happiness.  People with ADHD have been well documented for being disconnected due to their emotional challenges.  The goal is to reduce the fears of other’s reactions.

Kindness is an umbrella of skills that includes empathy, generosity, and tolerance.  The difficulties associated with ADHD have been documented in significant research.  Challenges result from the perception through social interaction, benefiting others.

Fluency in kindness evolves from continual work and practice.  Be kind to yourself.  Work together, showing kindness to others.  Go Green and be kind to the planet.

Perceptions are important in integrating kindness into everyday interaction with others.  Students with ADHD are often unwilling or unable to respond to demanding situations.  Turning over control to others is a skill that often needs development.  Relenting can be seen as weakness.  Self-identification lags, being seen as a wimp, a push-over, or soft.

Taxing personal skills, accepting others at face value is a serious consideration.  Negotiating relationships can be seen as an obligation.  Keeping score blurs the line between giving and receiving negative situations.  

Home Sweet Home

Home is often a place for safety and learning for people with ADHD.  It provides opportunities to make choices unconditionally.  Family members should immerse in daily behaviors to improve skills in demonstrating kindness.

  • See the good in people, including yourself.
  • Treat yourself as you would a best friend.
  • Genuinely care for others.
  • Respect others and yourself.
  • Use world events as opportunities to promote kindness.

Expressions of kindness have several benefits.  It creates good feelings.  It provides ways to make a positive difference.  As social skills can be an issue, it facilitates connecting with people.

Research shows that volunteering and helping others develop social skills and compassion, thereby connecting kindness.  It can be applied in the real world as well.  Another benefit is that they learn about their own interests and talents.

Calm Things Down in Class

Kindness is not the same a people pleasing.  Instead of the positives, it means putting other people’s wants or needs ahead of their own.  Don’t allow others an easy reach to take advantage, damaging self-esteem.  This is especially true in the classroom.  Implement a “Kind Campaign.”

  • Treat others how you want to be treated.
  • Share unique, personal stories.
  • Identify universal truths.
  • Allow them to get involved in lesson planning.
  • Find resources that support behavior changes.

Calming Things at Work

Workplace environments can be explosive.  Being able to act and react to situations can tax the emotions of adults with ADHD.  Up, down, side to side.  So go situations through the day.  Often the person is dragged along for the ride.

Holding onto their self-control is important when confronted by co-workers.  Tolerance is an issue as well.  Reciprocation is an important tool to balance as things get heated.  

People skills are importing to creating a happy and successful professional environment.  Practicing random acts of kindness improves self-esteem and fills emotional voids.  Best of all, people realize that can make a positive difference for many others.

  • Find common ground through mutual respect.
  • Accommodate differences (knowledge, gender, culture).
  • Show compassion during disagreements.
  • Compromise for differing opinions.
  • Smile using friendly words and thoughts.

In the end, people with ADHD must find a way to reconcile current with past behaviors.  Using creativity envision a purpose to the future and happy experiences.  Redefine your mindset.  Kindness is gold!

How do you show kindness when times get tough?







One response to “ADHD: Bad Social Skills? Kill ’em with Random Acts of Kindness.”

  1. Hon.R.M.Zafarullah Avatar

    Wonderful message. Sure will benefit lot of followers

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