Symptoms of ADHD associated with childhood continue into the teens and later years. While hyperactivity is often a landmark of elementary grades, inattentive symptoms are more associated with adolescents. It is more difficult to diagnose as they are not necessarily disruptive.
- More challenging period as academic demands mount.
- Restlessness may result in juggling multiple tasks.
- May struggle with extracurricular and other activities as they have higher reliance on self-control.
Teens and young adults with ADHD become more responsible for their personal issues as they age.
- Provide structure with clear rules that are easy to understand.
- Help stay organized by posting a household calendar (chores, events).
- Use a school to-do list. Check off completed items.
- Resolve later curfew, use of car, and increased allowance by giving reasons for your decision.
- Listen to requests and responses before making interjections.
- Compromise whenever possible.
- Maintain treatment (medication, behavioral/family therapy).
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