Category: ADHD
7 Tips for Teaching Algebra 2 to ADHD teens with Dyscalculia
ADHD teens with dyscalculia struggle with math understanding and calculations. Number based operations are impacted too. Algebra 2 builds upon Algebra 1 and Geometry. Use these tips to teach Algebra 2 based on ADHD and competencies.
Dysgraphia in College Students with ADHD: Accommodations and Modifications
College students with ADHD often suffer from dysgraphia. This learning disability in writing makes academics difficult. Accommodations and modifications provide opportunities for success. Self-knowledge helps them to figure out which supports they should use. Low-tech and technology provide many options.
How Can Project Based Learning Help Teens With ADHD?
Teens with ADHD can focus better working in groups. Project Based Learning (PBL) allows them to have different ideas, share them, then turn them into innovative ideas. Uses student-driven activities to build self-esteem.
18 Best Free Mobile Apps for College Students with ADHD (2021)
College students with ADHD rarely graduate (3% vs 35%). These 18 mobile apps can act as assistive technology. Get these tried-and-true apps. Student reviews too.
Why Don’t My Teachers Understand Autism?
Black Lives Matter for Black Teens with ADHD
Black Lives Matter…especially for teens with ADHD. They aren’t acknowledged, get expelled from high school, and end up in jail. The answer? Black teachers.
ADHD Teens Need Learning Styles Strategies in Algebra 1. Here’s How!
Students with ADHD often struggle in Algebra 1. Learning styles can help! The VARK is commonly used by teachers (visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic). Take the questionnaire. Use tips. Learn, learn, learn.