Veteran with PTSD

Is it ADHD?  Is it PTSD?  It might be both.

Soldier with PTSD

Having ADHD alone can be a contributing factor in getting PTSD due to their many risk-taking behaviors. Post traumatic stress disorder is a condition that looks similar to ADHD, however there are varying differences. The underlying reasons for the symptoms of both can be confusing.

  • Survivor’s guilt
  • Hypervigilance (constantly on the look-out for possible threats)
  • Flashbacks (replaying the trauma in their mind)
  • Obsessions (the experience takes over every part of their life)
  • Physical pain in the the joints and muscles (not attributable to another medical condition)

Teens and young adults with ADHD have a higher likelihood of trauma exposure. By age 16, more than 25% of teens experience trauma in some form. These are often a result of interpersonal problems and self-regulatory issues.

ADHD is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder, needing six or more symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity. It must take place across two or more settings, with clear evidence of impairment. It is classified as either Inattentive Type or Hyperactive-Impulsive Type.

PTSD is defined by a trauma that overwhelms coping mechanisms. It creates ongoing cycles of re-experiencing the negative event. Avoidance is often sought but rarely results in a diminishing impact. A history of life stressors can further aggravate the condition.

Causes of these disorders are the root of identifying their differences. Inattention is a central characteristic of Inattentive-Type ADHD. In PTSD, it results from hypervigilance or warding off stimuli. Impulsivity, anger, and lack of sleep could actually result from hyperarousal. This cluster of symptoms can also result from poor memory and lack of concentration. Before long, these symptoms will begin to have a significant effect on the individual and their families.

Ongoing lack of sleep and anxiety can really take over an individuals life, but looking into alternative treatments like medical marijuana, which can be found at places similar to My Florida Green, ( will help to relieve symptoms. Many people say they quickly see a difference in life once they start taking medicinal marijuana. Of course, this is just one of the treatment paths that you can consider and there are pros and cons to each one. For example, some people look for rolling paper alternatives as smoking is not an option available to them. And there are many more out there that you can choose from to help relieve your post-traumatic stress disorder.

People suffering from PTSD can benefit from a couple of different treatments. Whilst many people will be diagnosed with prescription medication, others will look for more natural ways to relieve their PTSD. There has been an increase recently in people with PTSD getting hold of service dogs. Psychiatric service dogs have been specially trained to provide emotional and physical support for people suffering from PTSD, improving the lives of their owners. These dogs are believed to be one of the best ways to overcome PTSD. Whilst they’re so helpful, they are expensive. This prevents some people from getting a service dog. However, there are multiple other ways that people can fund service dogs, such as by crowdfunding or by getting in touch with local organizations. To learn more about these methods of funding a service dog, it might be worth visiting a website similar to Alternatively, there are other treatments available. Treatment for people with a dual diagnosis can benefit from medical treatment. Some research extols the benefits of using ADHD stimulants to ease PTSD symptoms. They have been shown to improve cognitive difficulties. The use of these medications has enhanced emotional and relational deficiencies. However, other research champions non-prescription solutions.

  • Treat the ADHD first. Reduce chances of experiencing traumatic events.
  • Hire a professional. Integrate relaxation techniques.
  • Enlist teachers. Use educational interventions.
  • Look for alternative therapies. Combine the past with the present (i.e. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy).
  • Build a team of professionals. Incorporate clinical judgement in treatment decisions.

Traveling on the Wayback Machine…

Yea! I finally got a job in education. It’s not in the classroom, but it’s got to do with teaching. Who knew that parents would listen to their teenage kids? Whining helps.

Speaking of whining, why don’t my colleagues want to work with older kids? Just wanting to be in charge when you’re 13 can’t be all bad. One of them was Susan.

Susan was a 16-year-old child with ADHD. She had of 2 loving parents. Too bad she didn’t pick up on their positive attitude. Her head was always on the desk.

Finally she mumbles. “Coffee?”

“Not a chance. So what’s wrong?” I tried not to sigh.


“My dad pushed me down the steps.”

More silence…this time from me…

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a condition that often co-exists with ADHD. This anxiety that occurs after a traumatic event can be masked by the behaviors associated with ADHD. Evaluations do not typically involve trauma analysis. If you suspect PTSD, you should mention it to your medical provider.

Have you or your child experienced a serious trauma that affects their life?






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