Category: College Students
Dysgraphia in College Students with ADHD: Accommodations and Modifications
College students with ADHD often suffer from dysgraphia. This learning disability in writing makes academics difficult. Accommodations and modifications provide opportunities for success. Self-knowledge helps them to figure out which supports they should use. Low-tech and technology provide many options.
18 Best Free Mobile Apps for College Students with ADHD (2021)
College students with ADHD rarely graduate (3% vs 35%). These 18 mobile apps can act as assistive technology. Get these tried-and-true apps. Student reviews too.
Autism and Multiple Intelligences: The Path to Work Success
Young adults with Autism often struggle at work. Gardner’s Multiplte Intelligences can lead to personal, educational, amd professional success. It’s like learning styles times 10!
College Students with ADHD and Autism: 10 Tips for Online Final Exams
College students with ADHD and Autism face specific challenges in online learning. Check out these 10 strategies for success.
Is Your Autistic Child in College? Use These 5 Tips.
Do you have a college student on the Autistic Spectrum? Want answers to your problems? Give your kid some responsibility. Autism (ASD) is more prevalent in the United States than 10 years ago. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) determined that 1 in 54 children are diagnosed each year. 31% of people with Autism have…
5 Tips to Improve Cognitive Function in College Students with ADHD
Any idea as to why our college kids with ADHD are spaced out? It might be limited cognitive functioning. Cognitive functioning is a thought process that should not reduce mental abilities. Multiple mental abilities such as thinking, learning and attention should be automatic. These are not strengths for college students with ADHD. Challenges Organizing Decision-making…