Soft skills and folks with ADHD. Are they famous for people skills? Most likely not. Soft skills are personal attributes related to human interaction. Employers contend that soft skills are just as important as hard skills. These qualities exist across a variety of jobs and life situations. People with effective soft skills work effectively…
504 Plans in High School in College
Section 504 provides a blueprint for how students with disabilities accesses learning. It is part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This federal civil rights law seeks to stop discrimination. It mandates equal access and opportunity. It is the most common educational support for students with ADHD. In elementary and secondary education, schools are required…
ADHD Independence is About Self-Determination
Making things happen in another person’s life? Instead, have others do things for themselves. It’s independence. ADHD independence. Know what they want and how to get it. Make your own destiny. Self-determination is a characteristic of a person, making their own choices and decisions. The trait is based on preferences and interests. It’s less common…
ADHD Diagnosis: It’s Harder Than You Think
Running around with unlimited energy? He has ADHD. Staring into space? She has ADHD. Looking isn’t enough. There’s a science too. Say what? Check it out. There is no single physical, mental, or genetic test for ADHD. A diagnostic evaluation can be provided by a qualified mental health professional or physician. Having a supportive team…
Laughter: The Best Therapy for ADHD
We live in a culture where the reliance on medication is common. Some look for creative solutions for people with ADHD. Humor draws people together. It triggers healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. What a perfect pair! Therapeutic humor uses the power of smiles and laughter to aid in healing. Laughter appears to…
Bipolar Disorder? ADHD? It Might be Both.
Speed goes up. Emotions go down. Up, up, up. Down, down, down. Bipolar disorder and ADHD look a lot alike. You need strategies to tell them apart. Here’s how. Bipolar disorder moves from feelings of euphoria down to depression. You can find out more tips here to reduce those horrible feelings, some of which involve…
15 Tips to Help Teens with ADHD Transition to College
Leaving high school. Got into college. Ready to step out into the real world. Guess what? Just 5% of college students with ADHD graduate. There are ways to turn things around. College students with ADHD make up between 2% to 8% of the student body. Unfortunately, they are less likely to feel confident in…
15 Assistive Technologies for ADHD in HS/College and Workplace
People with ADHD are characterized by impulsivity, inattention, hyperactivity and distraction. Cognitive issues further impact personal, school, and work activities. Assistive technology (AT) is designed to level the playing field by working around challenges. Behavior Reading Writing Organization Learning Assistive technology is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is…
Make ADHD Behavior Worse at School and Work? Add Stress.
25% of people with ADHD suffer from some source of anxiety disorder. This stress manifests in oppositional behaviors, negativity and meltdowns. It can thereby be harmful to both physical and emotional health. Recognizing this situation is the first step in remedying its impact. People with ADHD often have dysfunction in the right parietal lobe of…
15 Tips to Overcome Summer Slide for Students with ADHD
Yea! School’s out. So what can we expect? A lost of more that 2 months of grade-level equivalence. It’s the summer slide. What can we do about it for our students with ADHD? During the summer months, students with ADHD tread water, at best, but are more likely to fall behind. This loss of…