Young adults with Autism often struggle at work. Gardner’s Multiplte Intelligences can lead to personal, educational, amd professional success. It’s like learning styles times 10!
Author: Edie Brown
Black Lives Matter for Black Teens with ADHD
Black Lives Matter…especially for teens with ADHD. They aren’t acknowledged, get expelled from high school, and end up in jail. The answer? Black teachers.
ADHD Teens Need Learning Styles Strategies in Algebra 1. Here’s How!
Students with ADHD often struggle in Algebra 1. Learning styles can help! The VARK is commonly used by teachers (visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic). Take the questionnaire. Use tips. Learn, learn, learn.
How Does Music Therapy Benefit Teens and Adults with Autism (ASD)?
Autism challenges: Behavior, social skills, speech/language…Music therapy can help.
Autism Behavior “Meltdowns” – 10 Strategies to Make Them Disappear
Behavior meltdowns can be common for teens with Autism. Both the student and adults should take the lead. Here are strategies to help
Depression for Teens with ADHD
Teens and young adults with ADHD are known for their depressive symptoms. It is unfortunatively common too.
Lead Exposure – Your ADHD Symptoms Get Worse!
Reearch says that lead exposure is negative for children with ADHD. Hyperactivity and behavior are especially impacted. Take personal steps. Join organizations…the experts.
College Students with ADHD and Autism: 10 Tips for Online Final Exams
College students with ADHD and Autism face specific challenges in online learning. Check out these 10 strategies for success.
ADHD and Sugar: Are the Behavior Rumors True?
ADHD and sugar. Does it destroy behavior? Check out this latest research to find out.
Autism in Females: 4 Things You Need to Know
Autism? Autism Spectrum? How about ASD? The words of old say the same thing. The trick is to identify women with Autism. More than 200,000 people are diagnosed according to current trends. Autism impacts the nervous system and medical diagnosis including lab tests or imaging. Social interaction is also a marker of symptoms. ASD is…