Why is Math So Hard for Kids with ADHD?

Students with ADHD often face unique learning challenges, particularly in math. ADHD often impacts focus, memory, and organizational skills, making it difficult for students to follow through on complex math problems. Parents and teachers must understand how ADHD affects learning to better support their students’ academic success.

Math poses specific difficulties for students with ADHD due to the subject’s reliance on sustained attention and problem-solving. Keeping track of multi-step processes, retaining key information, and maintaining focus during lessons can overwhelm students with ADHD. These challenges can lead to frustration and anxiety, often making math their least favorite subject.

In this post, we’ll explore why math is so tough for students with ADHD, backed by research, and share actionable strategies that parents and teachers can use to help. Whether you’re a teacher looking for classroom techniques or a parent seeking support at home, you’ll find practical advice to guide your student toward success in math.

The Cognitive Challenges of ADHD in Math Learning

Working Memory Deficits

Working memory plays a crucial role in solving math problems. It allows students to hold information in their minds while performing multiple steps in a problem. This could mean remembering numbers, operations, and instructions simultaneously to complete equations or solve word problems. For students with ADHD, working memory deficits make this process challenging, often leading to errors or incomplete tasks.

Research has shown a significant link between ADHD and impaired working memory. A study by Martinussen, Hayden, Hogg-Johnson, and Tannock (2005) found that children with ADHD consistently struggled with tasks involving working memory, directly impacting their math problem-solving abilities.

Research by Barkley (1997) and Gathercole and Alloway (2007) found that working memory deficits can significantly impact math performance. Students with ADHD may struggle to keep track of information and solve problems efficiently.

  • Example: A student with ADHD may start solving a multi-step equation but lose track of the process after completing the first or second step, forgetting the operations or numbers needed to proceed.

Attention Regulation Issues

Sustaining attention is another core challenge for students with ADHD, especially in subjects like math that require prolonged focus and concentration. Research highlights how inattention impacts learning, especially in math. A study by Zentall (1993) showed that students with ADHD were more prone to distractions and had a more challenging time completing math tasks requiring sustained focus. Studies by Nigg et al. (2005) and Castellanos et al. (2005) have demonstrated the link between inattention and impaired math performance in individuals with ADHD.

  • Example: A student may get halfway through a long division problem, only to become distracted by external stimuli, resulting in them losing track of their progress and needing to restart.

Processing Speed and Mental Flexibility

ADHD can also impact the skills needed to shift focus between different types of math problems. Students may have slower processing speeds, making it difficult to solve problems quickly, and they may struggle with mental flexibility, which hinders their ability to switch between different operations or concepts.

Research by Mayes and Calhoun (2007) found that students with ADHD displayed lower processing speeds and struggled more with tasks requiring them to switch between different types of problems, such as going from multiplication to division.

  • Example: A student might complete an addition problem correctly but struggle to shift to subtraction or solve word problems requiring more flexible thinking.

Executive Functioning and Math

Organizational Skills and Planning: Students with ADHD often struggle with organizing information and planning. This difficulty stems from deficits in executive functioning, which impacts the brain’s ability to manage tasks that require structure and order. Executive functioning helps students break down complex problems into smaller, manageable steps. However, ADHD can impair this ability, making it hard for students to follow processes sequentially, which is crucial in math.

Research shows that students with ADHD have difficulties with executive functioning, which negatively impacts math performance. A Barkley (2011) study found that ADHD-related deficits in planning and organizing tasks often lead to challenges like math, where step-by-step processes are essential for problem-solving. This lack of organization can confuse students when approaching math problems, especially those that require multiple steps.

Key impacts of ADHD on organizational skills and planning in math include:

  • Difficulty breaking down complex problems into smaller steps.
  • Struggles with following multi-step processes in order.
  • Challenges in organizing information logically for problem-solving.

Time Management and Math Tasks: Time management is another critical area where students with ADHD face challenges, particularly regarding math tasks. ADHD can cause time blindness, which refers to the difficulty in accurately perceiving the passage of time. This can be especially problematic during timed tests or when completing assignments with strict deadlines.

A study by Prevatt and Yelland (2015) highlighted that students with ADHD often misjudge how much time they need to complete tasks, leading to rushed work or incomplete assignments. Time blindness can be particularly damaging during math tests, where students may spend too much time on one problem and run out of time before finishing the rest. The lack of time management often results in incomplete work or errors caused by rushing through problems.

Key impacts of ADHD on time management in math tasks include:

  • Misjudging the time needed for math homework or tests.
  • Struggling with timed tests or assignments.
  • Rushing through problems leads to errors.

Impulsivity and Error-Prone Problem Solving: Students with ADHD often make impulsive decisions while solving math problems, leading to skipping steps or jumping to conclusions without carefully thinking.

Research by Antshel et al. (2014) found that students with ADHD tend to be more impulsive in problem-solving making quick decisions without fully considering all the steps involved. This impulsivity can result in mistakes, particularly in math, where accuracy and careful calculation are crucial.

Key impacts of ADHD-related impulsivity on math performance include:

  • Skipping steps in problem-solving.
  • Jumping to conclusions without careful calculation.
  • Increased likelihood of making careless mistakes.

ADHD boy getting help from teacherEmotional and Behavioral Challenges in Math

Math Anxiety and ADHD: Math anxiety is the intense fear or worry about performing math-related tasks. It is an issue for many students, but when combined with ADHD, it can significantly affect a child’s ability to engage with math.  For students with ADHD, this anxiety often leads to avoidance behaviors. They may procrastinate or avoid math assignments entirely due to the fear of failure or frustration with past struggles.

Research shows that there is a strong link between math anxiety and ADHD. According to Ashcraft and Krause (2007), students with ADHD often experience heightened math anxiety, which exacerbates their difficulties with attention and focus. This combination leads to a vicious cycle where fear of failure increases avoidance, and avoidance leads to gaps in learning, reinforcing the anxiety.

Key impacts of math anxiety in students with ADHD include:

  • Fear of failure leads to avoidance of math tasks.
  • Procrastination and putting off math assignments.
  • Increased anxiety around math-related activities.

Frustration Tolerance: Students with ADHD often have difficulty regulating their emotions, which can lead to low frustration tolerance. Emotional regulation challenges make it hard for students to handle frustration, and they may react with extreme emotions, such as anger or shutting down when they encounter difficult problems.

Research by Sjöwall et al. (2013) found that emotional regulation difficulties are common in students with ADHD. These difficulties contribute to lower academic performance, especially in subjects like math that require sustained attention and persistence. When students feel frustrated, they are more likely to give up or have emotional outbursts, which disrupt their learning process. For example, a student with ADHD might have a meltdown or quit in the middle of a math assignment because they cannot manage their frustration.

Key impacts of ADHD on frustration tolerance in math include:

  • Emotional outbursts during difficult assignments.
  • Giving up easily when faced with challenging math problems.
  • Difficulty persisting through frustrating tasks.

Behavioral Challenges in Classroom Settings: Hyperactivity and impulsivity, key characteristics of ADHD, can also create behavioral challenges in math classrooms. These behaviors often disrupt learning, making it difficult for students with ADHD to focus during math lessons or group activities. It can also impact the learning for classmates as well.

Research by DuPaul and Stoner (2014) indicates that students with ADHD exhibit more disruptive behaviors in classroom settings, which can interfere with both their learning and the learning of others. Hyperactivity might make students physically restless, while impulsivity can cause them to blurt out answers or interrupt lessons, impacting learning for themselves and others as well.

Key impacts of ADHD behaviors on math learning include:

  • Disruptive behaviors that interrupt math instruction.
  • Difficulty focusing during lessons or group work.
  • Challenges in maintaining attention during classroom activities.

The Role of ADHD Medications in Math Performance

Stimulant Medications and Math Achievement: Stimulant medications are often prescribed to students with ADHD to help improve attention, working memory, and executive functioning, all of which play a vital role in math achievement. These medications enhance the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, allowing students to focus better on tasks, process information more effectively, and follow through on multi-step problems, which are common in math.

Research indicates that ADHD medications can have a positive impact on academic performance, particularly in subjects like math. A study by Evans et al. (2017) found that students with ADHD who were taking stimulant medications showed significant improvements in math test scores and their ability to complete math homework. These students could stay focused longer, leading to better performance on timed tests and more tremendous success in problem-solving tasks that require sustained attention.

Key benefits of stimulant medications for math achievement include:

  • Improved attention and focus during math lessons and tests.
  • Enhanced working memory for solving multi-step math problems.
  • Increased ability to complete math assignments on time.

Limitations of Medication: While stimulant medications can help improve math performance, they are not a complete solution to the challenges faced by students with ADHD. Medication can support attention and executive functioning, but it doesn’t address all of the underlying math difficulties students may experience. For many students, additional behavioral strategies and individualized support are necessary to achieve long-term success in math.

Research suggests that non-medication factors, such as behavioral interventions, structured learning environments, and personalized teaching methods, are critical for improving math performance in students with ADHD. According to DuPaul et al. (2018), while medication helps with focus and attention, students still need support in areas like math anxiety, organizational skills, and the development of problem-solving strategies.

Key limitations of medication in addressing math challenges include:

  • Medication does not address math anxiety or avoidance behaviors.
  • Students may still need help with organizational skills and time management.
  • Behavioral strategies and individualized support are often necessary for long-term success.

Summary of Key Points:

  • Math is often challenging for students with ADHD due to issues with attention, executive functioning, and impulsivity.
  • Time management and organization difficulties impact their ability to complete multi-step math problems and manage math tasks.
  • Emotional regulation issues, like frustration tolerance and math anxiety, can lead to avoidance behaviors and meltdowns during math tasks.
  • A structured learning environment, hands-on tools, and regular breaks can improve focus and engagement.
  • Positive reinforcement and differentiated instruction tailored to individual needs can build confidence and reduce math anxiety.
  • Collaboration between parents, teachers, and support systems is crucial for helping students succeed in math.

Call to Action for Teachers: Create a structured, supportive classroom environment, and use research-backed strategies like manipulatives and breaks to support students with ADHD in math.

Call to Action for Parents: Collaborate with teachers, set up a distraction-free study space, and incorporate positive reinforcement and tailored strategies to support math learning at home.

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