The Summer Slide is out to get college students with ADHD too. What is it? It’s a one to two month loss of academic abilities. They forget information and skills too. What can we do? Learn more about the specific needs of older students. ADHD-focused issues too.
College students with ADHD have issues that go beyond their peers. There is a cumulative impact. Losses compound from the earliest grades. They continue throughout their educational career. College courses progress from 101, 102, 201, 202… With memory issues, it’s hard to hold onto learning.
It’s not only academic gains that are lost. Executive functioning skills often diminish. Gains in social skills are also reduced. These occur in lower grades, but there are situations that make college different.
- Fewer grade components (semester vs. quarters)
- Harder, more rigorous classes
- Less parental support (difficult subjects/content)
- Longer breaks than K-12
- Increased amount of material in a shorter amount of time
Why is there more Summer Slide for college students?
The learning loss for college students with ADHD is potentially a lifelong problem. They’re not exposed to ongoing learning. During the breaks, students have limited or no access to accommodations. Combined with the loss of professors with content experts, they have a lack of academic opportunities.
How to continue summer learning.
- Take summer classes.
- Review previous material.
- Introduce fall-semester material.
- Look for YouTube videos to learn new concepts
- Talk to peers who previously took upcoming courses.
8 Tips for College Students with ADHD
- Read for pleasure every day. Try a book club for peers.
- Incorporate writing. Include poetry, journaling.
- Play entertaining learning apps/games. Let them choose.
- Focus on physical fitness. Set a schedule then stick to it.
- Learn from nature. Take pictures then make a collage.
- Take day trips. Plan, go, review.
- Consider Project Based Learning (PBL). Create learning activities that combine real life.
- Don’t forget the arts. Head to museums.
College students with ADHD need support during breaks. Whether it’s reading, math, or cognitive skills, they are subject to learning loss. Content, subjects can be interesting. Don`t forget that it’s a break too. Make time for fun!
QUESTION: How have you dealt with summer breaks in high school?