Tag: behavior

  • ADHD and Sugar: Are the Behavior Rumors True?

    ADHD and Sugar: Are the Behavior Rumors True?

    ADHD and sugar. Does it destroy behavior? Check out this latest research to find out.

  • Is It Defiance Or Is It Executive Dysfunction?

    Is It Defiance Or Is It Executive Dysfunction?

  • Can Adults Outgrow ADHD?

    Can Adults Outgrow ADHD?

    Rumers. Does ADHD “go away” as people get older? Let’s see. What does science say? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. Some professionals say that ADHD adults are different. As they get older, they can control themselves. Life changes over time. So do medical prodocols. It’s not hard to figure out which kids have ADHD. Some kids…

  • Is It Echolalia or Just Plain Mimicking?

    Is It Echolalia or Just Plain Mimicking?

  • What Can Parents Do For ADHD Behavior?

    What Can Parents Do For ADHD Behavior?

    ADHD teens and young adults out of control? Parents hold the key. But how? What is the behavior for ADHD teens like? Greater highs and lows for sure. Difficulty to deal with frustration. Poor decision making. Wow! Behavior of teens with ADHD is off the hook. This is especially true with behavior in school. Problems…

  • ADHD Kids Running Wild? Practice Mindfulness.

    ADHD Kids Running Wild? Practice Mindfulness.

      People with ADHD are notorious for impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattentiveness. Other characteristics make it even less tolerable. One solution is mindfulness. Mindfulness is all the rage. What is it? It’s a technique that focuses on your awareness of the present moment. It calmly acknowledges feelings and thoughts. It hones self-control and maintains self-regulation. Mindfulness…

  • End Bullying With Compassion

    End Bullying With Compassion

    Students with ADHD are more likely to bully others.  In fact, they are four times as likely to do so. The ongoing question is: How do they interact with peers? The feeling is that it arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering.  ADHD characteristics pose huge problems. Almost 30% are involved in aggression. Fortunately,…

  • Discipline Techniques that Motivate

    Discipline Techniques that Motivate

    People with ADHD are known for their explosiveness. Common problems include defiance and aggression. Emotional outbursts occur when they are asked to do difficult or challenging tasks. Luckily there are solutions. Discipline techniques incorporate enforcement with concern. Problems and work often relate to correct behavioral issues. Verbal and written occur in the loss of privileges.…

  • Making ZZZ’s. The Challenge of ADHD and Silent Disruptors

    Making ZZZ’s. The Challenge of ADHD and Silent Disruptors

    Noisy Students with ADHD? Think about the ones who are quiet…silent disruptors. Students with ADHD  often lack the courage to speak out about things that matter to them. It’s a challenge to cut through complex issues. Feeling uncertain, they ask permission to be their true self. Look for signals. Minimum depth of knowledge  Unsuccessful at…

  • Teacher-Student Relationships: A Key for Teens and Young Adults with ADHD

    Teacher-Student Relationships: A Key for Teens and Young Adults with ADHD

    ADHD is characterized by inappropriate levels of impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity. Add challenges like self-regulation and behavior, and they present a major challenge in the classroom. Teachers can provide solutions. The first step is to identify specific characteristics. Characteristics Struggling in relationships Less engaged Avoidance of working (alone, in groups) Battles with authority Intrinsic motivation…