High-stakes testing can be a quick path to failure. They’re sometimes used to determine academic punishments. This includes penalties, sanctions, and rankings, with a clear line drawn between those who pass and those who fail. Communicate with teachers early. Establish strategies for everyone. Learn the vocabulary. Standardized test vs. achievement test. Contact guidance counselors. Discuss…
People with ADHD with Dyslexia too? Yes!
50 – 60% of people with ADHD also have a learning disability (LD). 8 – 17% have Dyslexia. These challenges further aggrevate the learning for students with ADHD. Encourage that it is not a sign of laziness. Affects the way they processes written and spoken language. Reinforces that understanding complex ideas is unaffected. Increase low…
ADHD earns $4,500 less!
College graduates with ADHD earn $4,500 less than their counterparts. They are more likely to be fired. Additionally, they change jobs more frequently based on their challenging work habits. Set multiple alarms to avoid being late. Use task lists to avoid being bogged down for simple tasks. Organize desk area to deter mountains of paperwork on…
ADHD and Addiction? 30% – 50%
It is common for people with ADHD to turn to addictive substances such as alcohol, marijuana, heroin, and cocaine. Their attempt is often to improve abilities, help them feel better, or self-medicating. The activities work at first, providing them with ADHD relief. Ultimately, these high-risk behaviors can result in academic failure, incarcerations, or death from…
Is it funny? No, it’s CYBERBULLYING?
Teens live for their cell phones…90% of ’em all. You think that the biggest challenges come from throwing them? No…cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is the use of cell phones, instant messaging, email, chat rooms or social media used to intimidate, harass, threaten, or humiliate someone. It has increased among teens as they have more access to electronic…
ADHD for Boys and Girls: They’re not the same. (RESEARCH)
Off the presses: ADHD does not manifest in the same way for boys and girls. Keep your eyes open when trying to diagnose girls for ADHD. Display greater academic impact. Lower levels of hyperactivity. Less peer aggressive than boys.
Journaling for ADHD…Cures what ails ya!
Powerful tools: A pen coupled with paper. An impact on physical well-being. Just a few sentences a day can reduce stress, anger, sadness, and anxiety. What could be better than that? Traveling in the WayBack Machine… Oh no! Visiting a high school where everyone is taller than me…even the freshman. How can this happen? Is…
ADHD Parents: Oh no! Report cards are in.
There is a feeling of dread. Kids and parents alike. Success? Failure? No one wants to look. Traveling on the WayBack Machine… No one forgets their first year as a teacher. For sure. Nothing prepares you for your first report cards. I got the day off to sit in front of the computer. What? I…
Teens with ADHD: How can you get to college without pulling your hair out?
The college application process is tough. Have specific strengths in mind. Need positive assessment to be considered. No more IEPs Scholarships specifically for you? Then what? Use Common App process. Start in the 9th grade. Online planning tool. Portfolio (how students express themselves). Get a realistic view. Sometimes writing portion is optional.
Another wonderful day in the life of EdieLovesMath
Traveling on the Wayback Machine… Maria was my student who always struggled in school. Teachers agreed that she had ADHD. I did too. I couldn’t help myself, but fall in love with an ESOL student who got all E’s and was retained. I researched the situation, no kidding. She never read. Say what? “I want to…