Category: Autism
Trouble Focusing? Try Keeping Your Hands Busy!
Many symptoms between ADHD and Autism overlap. One major symptom is being unable to pay attention and sit still. For many, it’s very painful to pay attention and sit still, unless they can keep their hands busy. There are many fidget toys available but for some, fidget toys don’t work. Some people need…
Why Should Autistic People Work
Do Autistic People Lack Empathy?
What is Empathy? Empathy is the feeling associated with being able to understand and identify the feelings and emotions of others. An example would be understanding and making an effort to comfort someone at a time of loss. The supportive person would speak in a calming manner and embrace the person that is grieving or…
Is It Defiance Or Is It Executive Dysfunction?
Is It Echolalia or Just Plain Mimicking?
Autism and ADHD: Adult Education
ADHD and Autism in the workplace? It’s a real challenge. It is, more often than not. Get it together! Education is key. Positive groups reduce help as isolation is a tough way to start. What could be better? Professional education offers non-traditional instruction. Think about that…Just what adults with ADHD and Autism need….
Nearly 10 years of Using Motorola/Android
Art, Technology, Autism: The Answer?
The trick of the decade: Art and Technology. This is especially beneficial for teens on the autistic spectrum. Here’s how it works. Digital artists work using creative processes. Additionally, media is used to create work. Last 4-printed ceramics Digital art artists Contemporary tools Intertwined code generated Digital art is an artistic work integrated with technology….