Category: Special Education

  • Extended Time – The most common testing accommodation for students with ADHD.  So what about it?

    Extended time accommodations are given to students with disabilities who have significantly slower reading, writing, organizing, or processing.  This typically results in 50% or 100% additional time allowed in testing situations.  When used properly, it allows students to demonstrate their skills and amplify performance.  They still require some level of automaticity (reading fluency).  Students with…

  • Experiencing trouble with following directions?  It might be auditory processing issues.

    Auditory processing transfers sound into the ear and is then interpreted through mental processing.  When delays occur, breakdowns result in difficulties in following verbal instructions.  It can exasperate the ability of students with ADHD to filter out noise in the classroom. Maintain structure and routines. Provide preferential seating (front of the classroom). Present short, specific…

  • Summer Reading for Teens with learning disabilities and ADHD? Stop the Battle!

    Parents of teens with ADHD:  Is selecting summer reading books an arduous process.  The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh contends that all reading counts. Books Magazines Newspapers Blogs Fanfiction Help your teen by offering suggestions.  Entice, don’t demand. Humor Imagination Explorative themes Biographies of favorite actors, singers, athletes

  • Off for the summer? How to avoid the “Summer Slide.”

    Parents of teens and young adults with ADHD:  Did you ever wonder how to improve retention?  Continue learning during down times. Traveling on the Wayback Machine… Wow!  My first day at a new school.  I just have to wonder…Why is a math teacher in a reading class? It’s okay.  I was an Associate Clinic Director…

  • Parents of teens and young adults with ADHD: What do you do when there’s bad behavior?

    “Casper, get off the couch.  Casper, get off the couch.  Casper, get off the couch!  Casper, get off the couch!!  Casper, get off the couch!!!  CASPER, GET OFF THAT COUCH RIGHT NOW OR I’LL GET YOU OFF MYSELF!!!”   Funny when it’s someone other than you.  Just imagine, my Rottweiler puppy outweighs me by 20…

  • Mother and Daughter Work Together to Discover Success in Geometry!

    Another day in the wonderful life of EdieLovesMath… Vicky is one of my champion math students with ADHD. She and her mother Jane diligently did homework together every night.  One night, like any other, the family was chowing down and discussing their day.  There was one problem ruining this bucolic scene, The Winter Break Geometry…

  •  What does the “frequent breaks” accommodation look like?  

    A 21st Century solution using mobile technology and a dry-erase board.No Wayback Machine required…My academic therapy students are teens and young adults with LD and ADHD. They dislike reading, but they hate math more so today we’ll take a trip to one of my Algebra 1 sessions. It’s tough to keep a teenager with ADHD…

  • What do you do when students with learning disabilities or ADHD don’t have an IEP or 504 plan?

    Students sometimes show up without an IEP or a 504 Plan (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973).  They benefit from being actively engaged.Traveling on the Wayback machine to the world of math…Ahhh…heaven.  Pre-algebra for 6th graders.  What could be better than that?  They’ll focus on the task at hand and will probably love math.…

  • How can parents help their special ed children?

    Parental involvement is critical to the identification and instruction of your students/children (Southern New Hampshire University).  This is particularly true in inclusion classes (general and special education students in the same class).Traveling on the Wayback Machine…Nothing prepares you for your first day as a Special Educator…Nothing! Why? Everyone’s favorite special education mom shows up before school even…

  • What are the benefits of small class size?

    Students who receive reading instruction within smaller class sizes are more successful than those in traditional classrooms.  Interventions with positive learning result by providing longer and more frequent instructional times. Traveling on the Way-Wayback Machine to my student teaching…Boy did I get lucky.  I’m at one of the best colleges for education     (+The…